  • 解釈:その例えとして大師号がある。
     日本仏教は歴史的に、政治では救済できなかった分野(政治には関与しなかった) ‐ 心の救済、不平や貧困の苦情処理、医療や社会福祉、死後の供養など ‐ を担ってきた。
  • Literal:The Japanese Buddhism took the backside of the politics.
  • Interpretation:There is Great Teacher number as the example.
    Historically, the Japanese Buddhism has carried the field which couldn't be relieved by politics. (That didn't participate in politics.) - The relief of the mind. Dealing with grievances of a complaint and the poverty. Medical care and social welfare. Post mortem memorial services, and others.

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  • Category:My saying
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.